Was at my neighborhood wifi hotspot last night. Went to my normal quiet place to connect. This place is nice. It’s super quiet. No annoying barrista’s yelling out the wrong names every 14 seconds to sizes of drinks that make no sense whatsoever No. I found a golden little undiscovered gem. Dang near completely isolated. […]
Wifi Hotspots Can Be Dangerous
When Your Mouth And Your Mind Heard Two Different Questions – EPICFAIL
I understand it is a ton of pressure being in the spotlight constantly. By that I mean I don’t understand at all. No on ever looks at me with interest. But for this beauty pageant contestant… things go a bit differently when asked a very serious and disturbing question. “….. statistics show that 1 out […]
Having Trouble With The Order of Things
Today I had to go to the store to get a pair of scissors. Then, when we tried to open them, we realized we needed scissors to open them They are in a bulletproof pack. Commercial grade plastic. Built to outlast roaches and Twinkies. So which comes first? The Chicken or the Egg? Do you […]
You're Not Crazy – Women Have Superpowers
And here you thought you’re girl was just some sort of ninja! Well… You’re right. They kind of all are. Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget: Surprising Findings from The New Science of Gender-Specific Medicine “Men and women think differently, approach problems differently, emphasize the importance of things differently, and experience the world […]