This touched me in a way I can hardly explain. You mother’s out there will be able to see what I see. Watch this video a see the moment infant baby recognizes his mother’s voice Deaf Baby Hears For The First Time With Cochlear Implant The bond between a mother and child happens […]
{Just Say YES} How Saying Yes To Your Child Can Make Them More Happy and Confident.
As parents the word “No” fills our daily conversations with our children. “No” You can’t stay up late. “No” You can’t have cookies as a snack. Sometimes we say “No” because it’s just our natural reaction or for selfish reasons. Saying “Yes”to your child as often as possible relieves tension, makes them feel more confident, […]
How To Find Happiness Within Yourself…In All The Wrong Places
It can sometimes seem like a lifelong journey to learn how to find happiness within yourself. . . But that is not actually the case. . . . if you know where to look….KEEP READING Did you know that your problems actually hold the key to what will truly make you happy? How To Find Happiness […]