How To Find Happiness Within Yourself…In All The Wrong Places

How To Find Happiness Within Yourself

It can sometimes seem like a lifelong journey to learn how to find happiness within yourself. . . But that is not actually the case. . . . if you know where to look….KEEP READING

 Did you know that your problems actually hold the key to what will truly make you happy?

 How To Find Happiness Within Yourself

So all those desires originated from something that didn’t feel so fab.  And desire is what fuels our expansion.

Which means it’s actually a good thing when we run across something we don’t like.  It means life is about to get even better!

That is, as long as we don’t stay stuck (i.e. focused) on the crappy problems.  Since we get what we focus on, if I’m all panties-in-a-twist about what’s gone wrong, then guaranteed I’m creating more things going wrong.
But when I can appreciate the role this “contrast” has played, knowing that it’s leading to even better things (as long as I don’t overly dwell on the ‘problem’), then life can’t helpbut get better.
So that’s actually two reasons to make friends with what doesn’t seem very nice in life(losing a job, getting dumped, going broke, getting sick, etc.):

  1. The first reason is that it’s what leads to things getting even better than they were before,

and the second reason is that if we don’t make some sort of peace with it, then we get stuck in it!
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We NEED to know what we DON’T want in order for what we DO want to become more clear.
Being content is worse than having problems when it comes to your personal growth.
Take the time to asses and welcome your next problem and you might discover you knew how to find happiness within yourself all along.
What are some “problems” that you can look back on and be grateful that you had them?
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  1. says

    Hello James,
    The biggest problems that I have had have turned into my major successes.
    The one that has had the most impact is my relationship.
    I divorced in my late twenties and had difficulty meeting anyone that I felt able to connect with. After nearly twenty years alone I resigned myself to being a failure in the relationship department.
    I have now been with my partner for over ten years. All that I can say is that I have found my soul mate and life gets better each day.

    • says

      YOWZER!!! What a transformation!!! What do you think was the most contributing factor Priska? I mean, what took you from considering yourself a failure to finding your soul mate? I think many are stuck in that “failure” phase and could learn a lot from you

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