RUSS RUFFINO CHANGED MY LIFE WARNING: Result ARE typical!“Virtually Unknown Internet Nobody Swears Under Oath: I did it all starting from nothing!” Follow along as I show you how I used a simple method from one $7 wso purchase that made me $2991 and built a list of a whopping 53 RAVING FANS who LOVE […]
My Dad hung up on me – Plus sneak peak at Version 5.0
This past Thursday I was invited by one of my good friends to play a round of golf for free. How could I resist at that price right? Plus my friend is a full time student going to Medical school so this is the only time he will have off until… who knows when. HAD to […]
Day 2 on "Days of our Lives" – The Saga Continues
“WHAT THE HELL DID I DO WRONG?!?!?!” I yelled out while I lay there motionless. The air is thick and clammy. The stench of defeat heavy. I blink rapidly trying to get my eyes to adjust to the total darkness. I am soaking wet. Confused. Trying to make sense of it all. I can barely […]
I just got my account banned! – I need your help!
Here I go again.. getting myself in trouble.. Sooooo. Total newbie makes yet another mistake. That’s right, like it or not I am still considered a newbie/nobody on Warrior Forum and in the IM niche. I am a personal development writer/blogger. Not a marketer by no means. This WSO was my first! (likely my […]