Why I Cheated

It’s not my fault! Don’t look at me like that. With your judgy-judgington face on. Like you have never done it yourself. I could not help myself. I have a weakness for things that make me feel good. And good food does that to me. Of course I am talking about how I cheated on […]

Was Blind, Now I Can See..

I don’t know about you but there is nothing worse than trying to watch your favorite old school kung fu movie (or other underrated foreign film (like Romantics Anonymous or Amelie (freaking great movies (with Aubrey Tautou (who is a cutie (don’t worry, Sisi agrees on her level of cuteness (which does not compare to […]

I Hate Getting Sick…

This might be a sign. Of what? I am not sure yet. These past few days I have not been feeling well. May seem like no big deal. But here is the thing..I NEVER GET SICK! I mean… I guess I cannot honestly say “never”… but it is not very often at all. Like once […]