11 Simple Ways To Eliminate Stress In Under 7 Minutes

ways to eliminate stress
Stress is all around us.
Lurking in the shadows.
It hangs out at you surprise meeting at work.
It flattens your tire during a rain storm.
It sends you an unexpected bill during your vacation.
It even has the audacity to break your air conditioning unit in the dead of summer.

It’s time to fight back.

If we start to feel defeated and let our emotions get the best of us…. HE WINS!
Not on my watch.

11 Simple Ways To Beat Stress At His Own Game


Medicate yourself with laughter. The quickest way to do this is to watch a comedy movie. It’s impossible to stay glum when Dumb & Dumber’s playing in front of you!

This is a tactic my muse (the gorgeous Cece in the picture) and I used when we were pre-comeback a few years ago.  We made it a point to ONLY watch comedy movies or sitcoms for about 3 months straight.
It may seem simple but think about how you actually feel at the end of watching a show filled with blood and murder like a CSI type show.
Do you think it relaxes you or enhances your already stressful day?

Cheat on your diet. Go ahead and have a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream.

In moderation of course.  If you have been good all week and you know without a doubt it will make you feel gooooooood, then go for it.  Just don’t make it a habit.  Then you will have a whole new kind of stress.

Get a Cat Massage

[imaioVideo v=1]

Chill like the Graceful Otter

[imaioVideo v=2]


Do something you love: knitting, painting, baking.  Research shows that simple, feel-good hobbies envelope you in overall serenity and reduce blood pressure. They can be as relaxing as yoga!

This one is my favorite.  You should be spending some time each and every day doing something you love.  Something for you.  You deserve it.
At the end of the day you need to take care of you.  There is nothing more I can say about that.
If you are not nurturing your innermost desires on a daily basis you just might find you do not have the enthusiasm for life you once had.
Life this life.  It’s the only one you have.


  1. says

    Loved the animal clips. I got my comedy fix and warm fuzzy feelings within two minutes, I’ve to chilled out and had my daily massage through my love of animal antics.

    • says

      It is even easier to reduce stress for pet lovers like you and I Marilyn. The simple act of just petting your animal has been proven to lower stress levels and release serotonin.
      I also like to fill my iGoogle homepage with cute or funny animal videos or pictures so that when I open my browser it is the first thing that I see. Immediately sets the tone for my browsing experience

  2. says

    I totally just walked next door and got a chocolate sprinkle donut before I read this. Haven’t done that in months, and you were right, it made me feel sooo good.. Not that I advocate drugging yourself with food, but every once in a while is okay. 😉 Actually, because it had been so long, I enjoyed it so much more.
    Cool tips, James. =)

  3. says

    Animals are the best stress reliever. And they do put things in perspective; just like kids do. I agree with you that if you allow negative in then it has a subconscious affect on your life so love what you and “Miss Lovely” 😉 did. Great idea. And great article. I already feel more relaxed. 😉

  4. says

    Great ideas. I too loved the cat video. Although I feel little stress in my life lately, when I was getting stressed I stopped watching the news for a week or two. I still learned of any BIG world news somehow but didn’t miss the doom, gloom and horrific crimes.

  5. says

    Great tips here and videos too. One of the best ways to break the stress cycle.is physical exercise. Exercise pumps up your endorphins (feel-good hormones) and decreases your stress hormones. It also reduces chronic muscle tension, helps you sleep better, and decreases anxiety.

    • says

      Yes you are correct Patricia. Daily exercise is probably one of the single most important habits one should create. More important than hard work. More important than a “good” job.
      What are some of your exercise practices Patricia?

    • says

      ONE OF OUR FAVORITES!!!! =-) I knew I liked you for a reason. Excellent choice!
      I always feel like a hamster in the wheel when I am on a treadmill! lol But dancing, now that we can do for hours on end.

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