Women wins $43mil jackpot and ends up $2 bucks to show for it

No, she didn’t blow it all on books and Thunder From Down Under lifetime passes like I would have.
Some things just don’t go your way when you have no proof.
To be fair, the casino’s are designed to make sure no one every REALLY wins…
SO when I found out what they did to her, I wasn’t really shocked.

Woman Wins $43 Million Slot Machine Jackpot — But All She Got Was Meat | Huffington Post

An unemployed mother of four says she is suing Resorts World Casino in Queens, New York City, after a slot machine indicated she won $43 million ― but all she got was a steak dinner.
“I feel like they did me real dirty,” Katrina Bookman told the New York Daily News in a story published Wednesday. ….. continue reading huffingtonpost.com

This poor sap bits the big jackpot on the penny slots (oh the irony) for 43mil. Already taking selfies with the machine, gave her boss a virtual kick in the ass and already purchasing plane tickets and an Uber to leave the husband and kids for some unnamed island.
Only to have the management come over and discover (after some sort of undisclosed inspection) that she didn’t actually win and it was just a glitch.
I thought that is part of the rule – if the cherries line up, the thing dings and screen flashes your life before your eyes… you are a winner right?

Nope, She got $2.25 to take home after it was all said and done.
You can read the rest of the story here
So what would you do? Does she have any rights? Or should she just be happy she still has kneecaps?
Fair if it is a legitimate machine glitch or would you fight this and get your money?

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