My Dad, John (left) The groom, John Jr, (center) me, James, coach comeback (right).. trying to keep him steady after his bachelor party lol
FINALLY… we are back home!
Seemed like the longest weekend ever!
I used to make fun of family members that used to come visit and complain about jetlag!
I think Vegas should have it’s own category: Vegas-Lag…. IT’S REAL!!!
Man… lost of nostalgia was stirred up during this trip.
Sisi and I lived in Las Vegas, NV for almost 2 years between 2009-2010.
So much so that we are actually considering moving back…
Well… it is either there… or Costa Rica for our next move… not joking!
So while we had to fly out last minute for my brother’s wedding, I don’t feel like I gave you enough notice about the training workshop wDigital and I did last week before it came down.
Turns out my brother asked me to be the best man in his wedding. (I have a nagging suspicion he did that because he knew that would all but guarantee an appearance by Sisi and I…. but I digress )
As predicted… Wayne closed down the recording (and the super crazy amazing awesome fantabulous… and any other adjectives I can think of…offer we made) on Sunday.
Well, since I was out of town in Sin City, I did not give you the proper warning you should have gotten to get this free training before he goes off and sells it to the public.
I pleaded with him today to extend it one more day to make up for my incompetence … by that I mean.. having a family that loves my company 😉
so for only 24 hours more, you can watch the free training where we showed you the blueprint for the easiest profit strategy we have ever used LIVE!
So at midnight tuesday July 15th….. you will have to pay for this workshop.
But if you go there now you can still catch the replay for free.
Sorry for the short notice. Blame my brother lol
Enjoy this free training and the questions answered at the end.
Hope you will go out and implement this right away and start making a huge impact on your business using our 48 hour profit strategy
P. James “Royal Flush” Holland
Coach Comeback
ps. this has probably been one of the most active workshops I have ever done. The amount of emails I am trying to catch up on from the excitement has been insane.
Find out why
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