Now the happiest place on earth and the saddest place on earth can collide
You Can Now Get Married at the Magic Kingdom After Hours And It’s Totally Magical
Having your wedding at the Magic Kingdom is basically every fairy tale fan’s dream come true. Earlier this year, Disney Weddings announced that ceremonies could now take place in the East Plaza Garden in front of Cinderella Castle, which we were totally thrilled about. And now, Disney Weddings revealed their newest wedding locale and it goes without saying that it’s all kinds of enchanting. Click here to read the full story
I mean, getting married is already strange enough to manage because nothing ever goes as planned. Now throw in a princess, glass slippers and an alchol restriction and I see nothing but problems headed your way.
Could get exciting really fast.
“Hey beast, get on over here an ring my bell and turn my clock” Belle says.
“Um, would love to, but you should probably save that for the groom”
To many masks and costumes. How are you supposed to know who is who? And hyperventilating is always a risk at any wedding. More so when you are wearing a 79lb mask.
Sounds like the better plan would have been to setup late night Magical divorce packages.
Now THAT is a party I would go to. At least everyone will be happy.
The water gun squirt competition could have pictures of the mother in law on it.
The tea cups could be filled with booze.
And the Happiest place on earth could keep it’s reputation in tact.
Couples can have a magical after-hours wedding at Magic Kingdom – Local 10
The exclusive access does come with a price. The Magic Kingdom Park After-Hours Experience wedding starts at $180,000. That’s a lot of Mickey Bars. Disneyland in California already offers the after-hours wedding package starting at $100,000 in front of …Her.ieDisney’s Fairy Tale Weddings & Honeymoons Couples can have a magical after-hours wedding at Magic Kingdom – Local 10
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