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Free Workshop Goal Setting 2013

Everyone is always asking me how I was able to quit my full time career after
10 years WITHOUT a plan, savings or any freakin clue of what I REALLY wanted
out of life and yet somehow found more fulfillment and adventure than I ever thought
possible when I had the 6 figure corporate job.
Well tomorrow afternoon I am going to get personal and spill the beans!  I am inviting you and a small group of people to a complimentary workshop where I will teach you how you can do the same.  YES, I usually charge $297 for this type of thing (but I am testing the content.) WANT IN?
All you have to do is call (949) 202-4265 at 3pm eastern time, enter the pin 47198# and you will
hear me tell all my secrets. You probably have not “experienced” me Live (reserved for a select few in the past) but I can tell you I like to have a good time while I learn and share.
So you should
click the link below and register so you can watch live from your computer and ask questions as we walk through the process.
You wont believe the step-by-step detail I have put into this! It’s TOO MUCH but I want you to be able to go out and start getting results by the weekend!  Here’s the link:
During this free workshop I will personally teach you:
— The reason why you feel like there are not enough hours in the day, and what to do about it.
— What factors you MUST consider before you quit your job
— One simple trick to find out if you are living your true calling and purpose in 30 seconds
— How to spend 95% of this year doing only the things you absolutely LOVE!
Oh yeah… and I will also teach you how I was able to attract my dream girl and how you can too! (Guys and girls!  Also works for straight couples =-))
Again, all you have to do is follow these instructions and you will learn all this for free:
  1. Register here
  2. Log in and follow along at 3pm eastern time tomorrow January 17th  OR
  3. Call in from any phone and listen in here (949) 202-4265 and enter the pin 47198#

That’s it! Talk to you soon 

ps. PLEASE arrive early to the workshop. I usually do not offer training like this often so it will fill up fast. If you get locked out and send your goons after me, I will disavow all knowledge of said event and hire a stunt double to take my place so it wont do you any good anyway!
pss. I watch too many movies!
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