“Never Give Up On Your Dreams…… Keep Sleeping”
~ Author Unknown – Inspired by My Sisi
Yes, I went to my Facebook wall and that lil gem was on my Sisi’s wall. Gotta love that girl!
Yet, somehow it seems so fitting for today….
We had another 2 hour webinar last night and I was pretty well spent. So I was planning on having yet ANOTHER (I know.. slacker) lazy sunday in bed .. reading and catching up on some of my personal development reading.
A friend suggested and oldie but a goodie to me called “How To Solve All Your Money Problems Forever: Creating a positive flow of money in your life” by Victor Boc
What a title right? I mean.. how could you NOT want to read that. So I was going to crack that puppy open today.
If you know this classic and have read it, let me know what you thought about it. Did you love it? Worth the time?
Anyway… as I was righting this another good friend just Skyped me another great quote having to do with dreams…
“It is better to risk starving to death than surrender. If you give up on your dreams, what’s left?” ~ Jim Carrey
Love it!
So here’s to a lazy day spent in bed…. dedicated to your “dreams” =-)
Have a relaxing day.
P. James “resting his voice” Holland
Coach Comeback
ps. if you are wondering what the webinar was about… it was the live training that goes along with this
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