Panic! Your iPhone Will Delete All Your Contacts If You Press This Button

Everyone — gone.
I couldn’t even call my mom (she just moved and got a new phone number). iPhone Setting Deletes Contacts – Business Insider

I could not even imagine this happening to me.
SOOOO glad I am an android user now!  HA!
Many cloud backup systems work by uploading a copy of the file on your device into the cloud. So the “real” file you care about is on your device; if you lose it there will be a copy in the cloud. (Carbonite works this way; Dropbox’s main innovation was to not have duplicate real/cloud files — the file is either on your device or in the Dropbox cloud, but not both at the same time.)
When it comes to your iPhone contacts and iCloud, however, the reverse is true. If you’ve got iCloud backup for your contacts switched on, your iPhone contacts are stored in iCloud, NOT on your phone. iPhone Setting Deletes Contacts – Business Insider

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Release Same as iPhone 6: Samsung vs Apple Top Features to Expect and Samsung have competed constantly. Following the legal and patent dispute, the two companies have also been battling for the bigger market share. While Samsung already released its Samsung Galaxy S5 flagship last April, the Korean tech giant is not slowing down. It is also poised to unleash its Samsung Galaxy Note 4 around the same period as Apple intends to release the iPhone 6? Who will win this time? Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Release Same as iPhone 6: Samsung vs Apple Top Features to Expect


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