Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. ~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
We all have great ideas and a vast array of knowledge on numerous subjects.
We are constantly absorbing information from the TV, Facebook, YouTube, our favorite books, magazines, friends and anything else we can take in.
We hear great ideas about how to be healthier, wealthier and happier every single day.
We even awknowledge how much we believe how beneficial it would be to our lives if we applied what we have just learned.
It is time to start taking action! Make it a habit to apply one thing new you learn every single day.
These little steps are all it takes to start making life changing improvements in your life.
[box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded”]You do not have to be the best. You just have to be better than you were yesterday![/box]
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