Controversy and turmoil all through the holidays
over this Tony Robbins issue. . .
As with any big transition like moving to New York
everything has not gone as smoothly.
Mainly, not having internet and a working space to write
has been driving me bananas! Then my laptop decided
it wanted to go on a holiday as well!
So, to keep my sanity I read and listen to self-help audios – as
you may already know with the Anthony Robbins Personal Power
30 day Challenge I was doing.
But there was a problem…
I remember LOVING Tony Robbins back in the day! I am pretty sure
he is one of the very first personal development teachers I ever
listen to before I even knew what personal development was.
I found I just could not get all the way through his program
this time!
I have grown so much since the last time I have listened to this.
My ideas and beliefs have shifted so much that most of what
he says just isn’t sitting right with me these days.
Have you ever WANTED to like something just because you used to?
Awhile back the movie Child’s Play came on. The one with the
crazy Chuckie doll that comes to life and goes on a killing spree.
Well, I got pretty excited because they were a HUGE hit when
the movies first came out.
But after about 15 minutes of watching I was thinking “Boy, this
is lame!” and I turned it off!
That is how I felt listening to Personal Power again. lol
Not that it was lame… just doesn’t seem right. You know
what I mean? When something just doesn’t feel . . . right.
For example, one way he uses to get yourself motivated to
take action on a goal is to associate MASSIVE pain to
NOT taking action. So he has you vividly picturing
the absolute worst things happening to you if you do
not accomplish your goal.
Now this may not seem so bad and I know for a fact that
it is effective….
But with everything I have learned about the power of your
mind and how you can really create your own reality through
conscious thought…. just seems like a misuse of power!
I do NOT want to give any power to my fears, no matter how
So I had to fire Tony and pick something else.
This is where YOU come in…
I have 3 different programs/trainings I want to dive into
and share with you what I learn – just as I was doing with
Personal Power.
But I want you to vote on which one sounds like it is
what you need most right now and I will tear into it,
breaking down the material and all the steps I learn
and presenting my findings to you.
First one up is:
Earl Nightingale’s Lead the Field
Nightingale is “unofficially” the inspiration behind the
movie The Secret with his audio recording “The Strangest
Secret” back in 1956. Now has sold millions and millions
of copies. Lead the field was the program they created
to expand the ideas of that.
Number 2:
Brendon Burchard’s – High Performance Academy
Author of the new best seller “The Charge” and
“Millionaire Messenger” puts together an extensive
training with videos from the live event. This one
deals with everything about the brain and
psychology. Really dives into the core behind
what really makes us tick and what it takes to become
successful. (hint: It’s NOT hard work and dedication.
there is a more powerful shortcut). At the link
he gives away a great free video series. (This is probably
the most current program of the 3)
Number 3
Mind Secrets Exposed 2.0
This one I just discovered by accident. I was searching
Google for things like “the power of the mind” and
things like that when I found this one. It is about
a 200 page book that also has the audio recordings. I
was pleasantly surprised with this one. I went in not
knowing what to expect and I really enjoyed it.
This one is a bit religious and uses the word God throughout.
So if that is something that offends you or is against your
beliefs, please do not vote for this one… or just substitute
Universe, Buddha, Allah, Holy Spirit, Divine Power, Supreme
being or whatever else you may refer to as a being that may be
of higher consciousness than yourself.
All 3 are really amazing and totally align with my current
beliefs of positive reinforcement and I will make lasting
changes in your life.
Leave me a reply in the comments that says either 1,2 or 3.
In a day or two I will let you know the results and
begin with the first lesson. =-)
So lets get Rockin’!
Here are the early results from the votes on which program we will be
going through together of the next few weeks.
1. Earl Nightingale’s Lead the Field 29%
2. Brendon Burchard’s – High Performance Academy 62%
3. Mind Secrets Exposed 2.0 9%
I have to say that I am not surprised by the results. Brendon
is probably the most widely know and popular. His material is
new age and current. If you have read The Charge then you know
what I mean.
I feel like his stuff makes me feel like my head is going to pop of….
in a good way!
As with Earl, although he was a pioneer to so many great things
like the whole audio books on tape industry (many do not know that
his company, Nightingale-Conant, are the ones who first published
Anthony Robbins programs on all those audio tapes those many
years ago) not many people really know who he is. I mean, I was
only introduced to the man behind all this greatness just last year.
Then there is number 3….. the underdog.
Virtually a no-name, so to speak, comes out with this program
teaching similar techniques with some amazing twists and
exciting new insights, and no one wants it.
Well, mostly, people can relate with people they know. If this same
program was endorsed by Anthony Robbins or Wayne Dyer we
would be more likely to give it a second look.
Secondly, the homepage is extremely “salesy”. That turns me
off almost instantly. I hate being “pitched”.
Have you ever been in a 3 hour timeshare presentation and all
you can think about is the free food and vacation they promised you?
You had no intention of spending any money so everything that is
shoved at you just becomes annoying.
That’s what I feel about the Mind Secrets Exposed sales page.
However, I learned about this program from an email I received from
Steve G. Jones. He is a leading hypnotherapist and Master NLP
Practitioner. Had he not recommended this program I would have
never made it past the first 2 minutes of the video.
But I am glad he did. I actually really enjoyed this book and
the audio is on my ipod and we sometimes listen to it in the car.
Always a bonus when you get the audios.
I did forget to add one important option…
If you thought neither of these programs interested you, the voting is
open for write-ins.
Is there a program or book out there you have been interested in but
just not sure if its any good?
Or is there one that you have gone through that has had a massive
impact on your life that you swear by?
Old or new, send it my way and I will add it to the list.
If it gets enough votes maybe it can bump Brendon’s High Performance
Academy down and we start the year with it instead.
You can voice you opinions in the comments. The only way I will know what you
want is if you tell me. Here is your chance.
Excited to get started. I know you will enjoy it no matter which one we start with.
Hi there,
I like #2. =-)
Thanks For the Vote Frances. Seems as though Brendon Burchard is the crowd favorite so far. Do you have any of his other material?