Well… That REALLY Helped

Things were just not going my way…
Was letting too many problems overwhelm and take my eyes off of what really matters.
So, off a suggestion from another member, I started looking for the good.
So I started collecting all of the positive testimonials, comments, videos and things people have said about me on the forum over the last few months.
I still have not got all of them together, but I found it is impossible to spend 2 hours reading positive things people have said about you and the impact you have had on their lives and still be in a bad mood.
So for that… I am grateful. I needed that reminder.
Realizing that the little things that may have you upset are just that… little things. In the grand scheme of things…. meaningless!
If you would like to read and watch the videos (or add your own 🙂 ) of my lil pick me up.. feel free
Enjoy your night.
P. James “he’s back” Holland
Coach Comeback

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