Why Winners Win Consistently – Mindset or Skill

You try hard at everything you do.  It seems like you are putting in more effort than results.

English: A hamster and a hamster wheel

hamster and his wheel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If feels as though you are no longer being entertained by watching that cute little hamster running on the wheel ….
Because now YOU are the hamster…. and you feel like you are getting nowhere fast.
What is the solution? The common misconception would have you believe that you are not smart enough.  That somewhere along the line you did not get enough training or schooling in what you are trying to accomplish.
So you tell yourself this is just what you have to expect.
But this rarely the case…. KEEP READING

The one shift that changed everything

That period of personal development lead to many changes in thinking, but the particular one I look back on as being the “change that brought about all other changes” was realizing I was approaching life the same way perhaps 95% (give or take) of the population does, I was playing “not to lose” rather than “playing to win.”
As soon as I realized that distinction, I knew that any life played on defense could never lead to victory. I would have to consciously decide to pro-actively go after what I wanted and “make” things happen rather than sitting back hopingthings would happen. I took personal responsibility for my life and decided I was either going to “make it big or die trying.”

The mindset you have going in will determine the type of results you are getting.
Adopt a winners mindset and there is no choice but for you to start winning consistently!born to win


How Do You Play the Game?
That period of personal development lead to many changes in thinking, but the particular one I look back on as being the “change that brought about all other changes” was realizing I was approaching life the same way perhaps 95% (give or …

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