Why You Desperately Need To Take A Vacation Alone

Woman alone at sunsetEvery now and then you just need to get away.
Yeah, I know… No one likes to be that person in the restaurant having dinner alone.
And sometimes it can get awfully chilly watching the reply of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the drive-in riding solo.
But there are much more benefits to being along for an extended period of time.  This needs to be a life requirement to recharge your batteries and find some much needed clarity in your life

I’ve traveled alone to dozens of places, and come to the conclusion that solo exploration is one of the best ways to learn and challenge oneself. It’s a great way to re-center, to escape from the details of daily life that can distract us from our own big picture and to come back with a new sense of self-sufficiency and purpose. And “solo exploration” doesn’t have to mean a ticket to Thailand. It can be an hour of quiet meditation, a regular dinner out, a beer at your favorite bar, your morning run down a new route, an evening in a dark movie theater. It means doing something alone that you’d usually do paired, in a way that forces you to make all the decisions and simply be with yourself.

via Do yourself a favor: travel solo at least once | Jill Filipovic | Comment is free | theguardian.com.

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  1. says

    Spot on advice James! I spent 2 weeks alone in Peru a while back. Right now I am chilling for a week back in NJ. No better way to find out who you really are, and what challenges you can overcome, than by choosing to be alone for sustained periods of time. I did Thailand for a year but with my GF lol…..Thanks for sharing!

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