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Question by hotwings1: What is the difference in the structure of spontaneous humor and the structure of jokes?
Jokes have a have a setup and a punchline
but does spontaneous humor have the same setup?
What is the structure of spontaneous humor?
Best answer:
Answer by Melody
Jokes have the set up and the punchline.
Spontaneous humor works by the method of ‘same same different,’
so if you say something like apple, apple, shoelace it’s amusing because shoelace doesn’t fit.
It’s something like that.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Older son playing with flarp and my 6 month old finds it very funny.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
ZXGroup1 says
How did they do that?
Cvyiatko Mitov says
SUGOI !!!!!!!!!!!!!
beefkd says
This one guy.. black hair, flat nose, slit eye.. Third row I believe.
Amogh Dwivedi says
i can imagine what the practice sessions would be like.
alclsshaemfgoqhk says
The United Nations Report, Economic and Social Council
“Ultimately, the Japanese were able to procure more women for the increasing demands of the army by using violence and outright coercion.
A large number of the women victims speak of violence used on family members who tried to prevent the abduction of their daughters and, in some cases, of being raped by JAPANESE soldiers in front of their parents before being forcibly taken off.”
alclsshaemfgoqhk says
The Asia-Pacific Journal : ‘Abe Shinzo, a Far-Right Denier of History’
“We hope the world will counterattack Abe’s far-rightist history revisionist challenge, and once he is outside of Japan that there will be protests wherever he goes, and at press conferences; and that journalists will confront Abe at press conferences with the facts laid out above. This is the only effective way to let Abe know what a shameless human being he is, according to all international standards.”
alclsshaemfgoqhk says
The U.N.’s research: Testimony
“Once Japanese took 40 of us on a truck far away to a pool filled with water and snakes. The Japanese soldiers beat several of the girls, shoved them into the water, heaped earth into the pool and buried them alive. I think over half of the girls who were at the garrison barracks were killed.Twice I tried to run away, but both times we were caught after a few days. We were tortured even more and I was hit on my head so many times that all the scars still remain”
alclsshaemfgoqhk says
The U.N’s Research: Testimony
“At the age of 13, I had to prepare lunch for my parents working in the field and so I went to the village well to fetch water. A Japanese garrison soldier surprised me there and took me away, so that my parents never knew what had happened to me. I was taken to the police station in a truck, where I was raped by several Japanese policemen. When I shouted, they put socks in my mouth and continued to rape me and hit me in my left eye. That day I lost my eyesight”
alclsshaemfgoqhk says
The first “comfort station” was established in the Japanese concession in Shanghai in 1932. Earlier comfort women were Japanese prostitutes who volunteered for such service. However, as Japan continued military expansion, the military found itself short of Japanese volunteers, and turned to the local population to coerce women into serving in these stations. Many women responded to calls for work as factory workers or nurses, and did not know that they were being pressed into sexual slavery.
alclsshaemfgoqhk says
The European Parliament adopted a resolution demanding JAPAN compensate and formally apologize to the sol-called COMFORT WOMEN who were forced to serve the Japanese military as sex slaves during World War II. Fifty-four out of 57 European lawmakers backed the resolution.
US Resolution also stated: “JAPAN should formally acknowledge, apologize and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner, and educate current and future generations about this horrible crime….”
alclsshaemfgoqhk says
The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights has been urged to take Japanese responsible for sex slavery during WWII to court,”It is incumbent upon the United Nations to ensure that Japan fully satisfies its obligation to seek out and prosecute all those responsible,”said U.N. Commission on Human Rights’ panels
U.N warned “This is warning from the international community on the inhuman stance of the Japanese government,which has consistently shunned responsibility for the sex slaves issue”
alclsshaemfgoqhk says
Inhuman Japanese military forced 200,000 Asian girls into sexual slavery, raped them up to 50 times a day and killed or buried them ALIVE when they became too sick to be raped. Search!
1.Comfort Woman Interview (China)
2.1121 #94 Legislative Yuan Passes Comfort Women Resolution(Taiwan)
3.Australian “Comfort Women” survivor JanRuff O’Herne(Australia)
4.Lola Dolor,Survivor of Japanese WWII Rape Camp(philiphines)
5.Comfort Women(Korea)
6.The Indonesian Comfort Women
John X says
imagize if the speaker had to do something important and he leaves without stop them xD
Mark Rich says
JeeZ boring as fook
Jazzel93 says
In Japan robots programs you
entyceit says
kim jung il’s army is jealous.
Paul Daisuke says
Before Hating Japanese, Search: Satoru Iwata and Shigeru Miyamoto.
finehomemadewine says
Yes, very disciplined. Japanies and Germans. What else is connecting those two?
edwardo3331 says
too much porn…
SoldierCyfix says
those are the best busines people is the world. they go to RBTC in japan’s business west point
alclsshaemfgoqhk says
The European Parliament adopted a resolution demanding JAPAN compensate and formally apologize to the sol-called COMFORT WOMEN who were forced to serve the Japanese military as sex slaves during World War II. Fifty-four out of 57 European lawmakers backed the resolution.
US Resolution also stated: “JAPAN should formally acknowledge, apologize and accept historical responsibility in a clear and unequivocal manner, and educate current and future generations about this horrible crime….”
alclsshaemfgoqhk says
The U.N’s Research: Testimony
“At the age of 13, I had to prepare lunch for my parents working in the field and so I went to the village well to fetch water. A Japanese garrison soldier surprised me there and took me away, so that my parents never knew what had happened to me. I was taken to the police station in a truck, where I was raped by several Japanese policemen. When I shouted, they put socks in my mouth and continued to rape me and hit me in my left eye. That day I lost my eyesight”
alclsshaemfgoqhk says
The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights has been urged to take Japanese responsible for sex slavery during WWII to court,”It is incumbent upon the United Nation to ensure that Japan fully satisfies its obligation to seek out and prosecute all those responsible”said U.N. Commission on Human Rights’ panels
U.N warned “This is a warning from the international community on the inhuman stance of the Japanese government,which has consistently shunned responsibility for the sex slaves issue”
RHachicho says
And thus begins a love affair that lasts most men a lifetime lol.
karen90009 says
Marvel Girl says
Good gosh, that baby’s laugh is incredible!
You Hate Kids says
the laughs are so creepy and annoying. Babies are horrible
lala960123 says
imagine, the parents bring the baby outside, to a restaurant or whatever, the baby will just gonna laugh like that if someone next to them fart lol
Angela Fina Foss says
I just love this. He is priceless! Can’t stop laughing….
Katie Loftus says
Dat laugh! XD
PrettyGirl1908 says
He is cracking up!!!!
miles christie says
this is stewie
dfields724 says
…boys will be boys….
lenxlover1 says
No matter how old you are… Farts are always funny
Iqra Fatima says
I’m on the baby side of youtube again! But it’s so irresistible because they’re all so cute!
Curadeau Dany says
so cute, at .35s…he’s dumping one! Hahaha
joshkilmer1980 says
For the first time ever — your child can now play a Computer Memory Game
with your family’s pictures! Just search “Dolphy Family Memory Game” on Google.
haresh jagernauth says
omg he really having a kick lol
joshkilmer1980 says
For the first time ever — your kid can now play a Computer Memory Game
with your family’s pictures! Just search “Dolphy Family Memory Game” on Google.
Prativa Rai says
LMAO! Too cute! 😀 <3
drucrazy02 says
He’s gonna be the little boy in class who tells and laughs at fart jokes. LOL Too cute.
SarahElizabeth580 says
he is only six months old, chill out
Hannah Chance says
Its adorable for now
makaykay archer says
CrumplyChain57 says
I’m ashamed that ignorat baby hateing people could dislike this
Nagham Badawy says
Her eyes are so beautiful 3
Antila Irving says
Just like me
Eliis swansen says
(Right) (Now)
Kader Shahari says
The baby so cute, feels enjoying to see him laughing like a big boy..LOL.